Removal notice - section 318(1)(b) Mark 7 2 25

Notice of intention to remove 7919 companies from the Companies Register.

I intend to remove the following companies from the register under section 318(1)(b) of the Companies Act 1993 , on the grounds that the Registrar has reasonable grounds to believe that the companies are not carrying on business and there is no proper reason for the companies to continue in existence.

Unless, under section 321 of the Companies Act 1993, written objection to removal of any of the below companies is delivered to the Registrar by [DATE FOR OBJECTIONS] 2023, being not less than 20 working days from the date of this notice, the Registrar is required to remove the companies from the register.

Dated this DDth day of MONTH 2023


Registrar of Companies

You can object to the removal of a company using our online service.

Companies to be removed